For your donation for the ministry
<Request for your donation for the Grace House ministry> Thank you for thinking to support Grace House ministry. We have not asked for donation so far from starting this ministry because GH ministry stands on the base of BAM (business as mission). As we have been offered by some of our supporters who themselves may have been affected by COVID-19 too to make donations for our ministry, we would like to extend this possibility widely to more people by providing the necessary information as below. We are sorry to do this way by knowing everyone is similarly in a hard situation. Your donations will be highly appreciated. <your remittance to> …
News ~ GH situation by COVID-19 ~
Dear Grace House Family Members and Supporters Happy Easter to you all We, the Grace House, thank you for your continued prayer and support to us in the middle of the widespread influence of COVID-19. GH ministry has been heavily affected by this big crisis with no sign of possible improve of the situation. The Grace House is a home for many foreign and domestic groups, more than half of them are mission teams staying here for a short term. This year, the guest reservations of our houses in Nagoya and Tokyo from March to May were almost completely canceled and the postponement of the Tokyo Olympics 2020 was an …
Christian Myanmar staff recruitment
Christian Myanmar Worker Wanted! Grace House Nagoya going to host Myanmar worker and international students to GH for resident from 2020 Summer. We are looking for Christian Myanmar worker (who lives already in Japan) for support their lives in Japan. Please contact or introduce us. ※Work at GH partner company. 名古屋のグレイス・ハウスでは2020年夏からミャンマーからの留学生・特定技能実習生の入居を受け入れます。日本で新しい生活にチャレンジする彼らをGHはサポートしたいと願っています。そこで、彼ら彼女らの生活と心身を母国語でサポートしてくれる、日本在住で日本語と日本文化に親しんだキリスト教徒のミャンマー人スタッフを募集しています。異国の地での生活は大変です。彼らに寄り添い、相談に乗り、また日本の文化を教えて下さる方を探しています。もしお心当たりのある方はご連絡、ご紹介下さい。 ※GHのスタッフとしての雇用ではなく、協力企業職員としての雇用となります。 <こんな方を探しています> Recruitment ・日本語が堪能 Speaks Japanese well ・日本文化に慣れ親しんでいる Familiar with Japanese culture ・簡単な事務業務の経験あり。Experience of office work ・名古屋で働ける Work at Nagoya ・年齢20-40代 Age 20-40s ・クリスチャン(キリスト教徒)Christian 諸条件はお問合せ下さい Please ask details. Grace House E-mail:
Grace House Flyer 2020
Grace House new flyer 2020 release!! Detail: Grace House(2020Tokyo)English
Grace House Recruiting List 2020
Grace House recruiting new resident for share house and rent house. We now manage 5 houses in Nagoya and 6 houses in Tokyo. Please check the recruiting house list. Detail: GH recruiting list2020(1.31)
Recruiting rent tenant GH North Tokyo (NEW!!)
Grace House started management cooperation to empty building of the Church stands in Adachi-word of Tokyo, near from Kitasenju. GH North Tokyo is 6th floor building named “Nard Bld” were used for nursing school 10 years ago. 1st floor is chapel of Zenrin Christian Church but 2nd to 6th floor are all open. GH rent for 2nd and 3rd floor for school, meeting room, guest house or either anything for ministry. We now going to announce for rent and looking for ideas how to use for ministry. Please contact us if you interesting to this building. TEL: 03-6811-0851 (GH Tokyo area manager Ken Ishibashi) Detail: GH North Tokyo plant
Grace House join to JEMA Endorsed Ministry membership
Grace House join to JEMA(Japan Evangelical Missionary Association / 日本福音宣教師団)Endorsed Ministry membership from Jan.2020. JEMA is one of biggest missionary network in Japan. We are looking forward to have relationship and support missionary/ministry in Japan in the name of God. Grace House President Ken Ishibashi JEMA(日本福音宣教師団)
【GH Kamimaezu】Share mate (resident) & office tenant wanted!!
GH KamimaezuShare mate (resident) & office tenant wanted!! Now GH Kamimaezu have 6 male room and 3 female room. We are recruiting new resident for share house. Why don’t you start share house life at GH? Also we recruiting office tenant at share office bld. Now there are 10 group in share office but one office room will be available from this April.Please consider who needs office space. Please ask GH staff about details and conditions. TEL: 052-265-5533
Our introductory article was published on Christian News paper.
Our introductory article was published on Christian News paper. It is written about Grace House’s establishement story and interview of founder, Kazue Ishihara. I’m sorry this is only Japanese. If you are interested in it, please check it.
Looking for new male residents.
Happy new year! We are looking for new male residents in Grace House Kamimaezu( and Grace House Fujigaoka( If you are interested in our Grace House, Please mail us by using e-mail( Thank you very much!