Grace House is home for people who share Christian values to enjoy living together in fellowship as well as walking together in faith.

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Yearly Archives: 2021

Closing GH Kamimaezu and moving Nagoya office

The main house of Grace House, GH Kamimaezu in Nagoya will close end of this October. GH Kamimaezu opened 2014 and we hosted more than 100 group and churches, 1,000 guests, and also more than 40 residents lived this past 7 years. Thank you for all your support and prayer for Grace House. ☆New Nagoya Office (from 1st November 2021) GH Ikeshita 2-64, Shinpo-cho, Chikusa-ward, Nagoya City, 464-0072 TEL: 052-265-5533 TEL: 052-265-7521 ☆Tokyo Office 615 OCC, 2-1, Kandasurugadai, Chiyoda-ward, Tokyo, 101-0062 Tel. 03-6811-0851 FAX. 03-6811-0852

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