Grace House will be aired on TV program “Lifeline” 5th(Sat) and 6th(Sun), September 2020.
“Lifeline” is Japanese local TV program for tell the gospel for Japan. Grace House president Ken Ishibashi and residents of GH Kamimaezu (Nagoya) taken an interview. Also program shows inside of Grace House and the share house life. Please check and watch the program.
Website of “Lifeline”(Japanese):
Airtime & broadcast local channel:
[北海道Hokkaido] HBCテレビ 9/6(Sun)4:45am
[青森Aomori] ATV 9/5(Sat) 5:00am
[福島Fukushima]FTV福島テレビ 9/6(Sun) 5:30am
[新潟Nigata]BSNテレビ 9/5(Sat) 5:15am
[群馬Gunma]群馬テレビ 9/6(Sun) 7:00am
[千葉Chiba]チバテレ 9/5(Sat) 7:00am
[埼玉Saitama]テレ玉 9/5(Sat) 8:00am
[神奈川Kanagawa] tvk 9/6(Sun) 8:30am
[静岡Shizuoka] Daiichi TV 9/5(Sat) 5:00am
[滋賀Shiga]BBCびわ湖放送 9/5(Sat) 8:00am
[兵庫Hyogo・大阪Osaka]サンテレビ 9/6(Sun) 7:00am
[京都Kyoto]KBS京都TV 9/5(Sat) 6:30am
[沖縄Okinawa]OTV沖縄テレビ 9/5(Sat) 5:30am
※Please check each broadcast before you watch.
※The program will release on Lifeline YouTube later. Please check it who lives the area not be aired.
(Lifeline YouTube: )