Grace House is home for people who share Christian values to enjoy living together in fellowship as well as walking together in faith.

Kashiwano-Ha (Kashiwa, Chiba)

Grace House Kashiwano-Ha

Grace House Kashiwan-Ha is located in Kashiwa-city, Chiba, nearby Kashiwano-Ha Campus Station of Tsukuba Express. To the central Tokyo it takes just 30 mins by train. This house includes 4 bedrooms and a garage. It is fully furnished and helps you to start living quickly.

Detailed Data

NoteYou may pay water, power, gas and cable TV by yourself.
No smorking

House Name Grace House Kashiwano-Ha  グレイスハウス柏の葉  GH Kashiwanoha info 2020
Location Omuro, Kashiwa City, Chiba    MAP
Transportation 18 minutes walk from Kashiwa-Tanaka Station on Tsukuba Express
20 minutes walk from Kashiwa-Camups Station on Tsukuba Express
5 minutes walk from Omuro Bus stop on Tobu bus
built year 1988, 2 stories
Rent 100,000 Yen per month (Missionary or pastors might get some discount)
Deposit same price with a month rent. Also you pay the same amount as fee.
contract lerm more than a year
Rooms 3 Japanese Tatami bed rooms
1 western bed room
2 toilet rooms
Bath, Dining kitchen
4 parking lots
farming yard
Facilities ACs for each rooms, Cable TV

Usage Requirements and Requests

The owner wants to use this house for Christian ministry workers.

Application Form

Please contact us from contact form for question, reservation, booking.

Contact us TEL 052-265-5533(NAGOYA)
03-6811-0851 (TOKYO)
Reception time 9:00 - 18:00 (Weekdays except holidays)

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